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2022年美国胃肠病学会年会暨研究生会议(ACG 2022)于2022年10月21日~26日在美国北卡罗来纳州夏洛特举行,本文对ACG 2022上的13个亮点研究进行了汇总。


乌帕替尼(Upadacitinib)是一种Janus激酶(Janus-activated kinase,JAK)抑制剂,在美国获批用于治疗类风湿性关节炎银屑病关节炎,并正在研究用于多种其他疾病。

研究者对乌帕替尼在溃疡性结肠炎(Ulcerative Colitis,UC)患者中的使用情况进行了事后分析:受试者随机接受安慰剂、15 mg 乌帕替尼或30 mg乌帕替尼治疗,随访52周。结果显示, 30 mg剂量为患者带来了显著的改善,与 15 mg 剂量相比,临床缓解延长约1个月[1]


一项研究[2]观察了使用虚拟现实(Virtual Reality,VR)治疗功能性消化不良的疗效,结果显示,认知行为疗法对多种疾病非常有效,尤其是肠易激综合征(irritable bowel syndrome,IBS)。



一项研究[3]旨在观察高质量指标结肠镜检查(High-Quality Index Colonoscopies)在10年时预测无腺瘤或锯齿状息肉患者晚期结局风险降低的情况。






目前,度普利尤单抗(Dupilumab) 已在美国获批用于治疗嗜酸性食管炎 (eosinophilic esophagitis,EoE)。度普利尤单抗一种全人单克隆抗体,可阻断白细胞介素-4(Interleukin-4,IL-4)和白细胞介素-13(Interleukin-13,IL-13)的共享受体成分,这是 EoE 2 型炎症的主要驱动因子。

两项研究[5,6]公布了度普利尤单抗治疗EoE 24周和52周数据,结果显示度普利尤单抗每周一次给药,治疗有效且持续。

值得注意的是,这些都是质子泵抑制剂(proton pump inhibitors,PPI)治疗无应答者,大多数还接受了各种其他治疗(包括类固醇)。患者通常患有更严重的疾病。这种新药是否需要用于轻度疾病仍有待观察。



这是一项扩展的 II 期、双盲试验[7],旨在观察接受伏诺拉生每日一次治疗非糜烂性胃食管反流病(nonerosive reflux disease,NERD)患者的疗效。受试者随机接受安慰剂或伏诺拉生10 mg、20 mg、40 mg 治疗,按需给药。患者在烧心症状发生后24小时内不能服用超过一剂的研究药物,并且在服用研究药物后3小时内不能服用补救抗酸剂。

研究者表明,当患者转换为仅按需使用伏诺拉生时,具有显著效应,在达到完全和持续缓解的主要终点方面,伏诺拉生高度有效。约70%接受伏诺拉生 40 mg 剂量治疗的患者在3小时内快速起效。


在一项炎症性肠病药物的研究中[8],静脉注射瑞莎珠单抗(Risankizumab),一种抗白细胞介素-23(Interleukin-13 ,IL-23)抑制剂,已被证明疗效优于安慰剂。该研究提供了52周的随访数据,结局集中于临床和内镜改善。结果显示,180mg和 360mg 剂量(先通过输注给药,后改为皮下给药)治疗后,患者内镜检查应答/临床缓解率分别为23%和36%。


一项研究[9]披露了妊娠炎症性肠病和新生儿结局 (Pregnancy Inflammatory bowel disease And Neonatal Outcomes ,PIANO) 登记研究的新数据。

结果显示,与抗肿瘤坏死因子α(anti–tumor necrosis factor alpha,TNF-α)药物、硫嘌呤类药物、或这些药物的组合相比,维得利珠单抗(Vedolizumab)和乌司奴单抗(Ustekinumab)治疗炎症性肠病,妊娠或婴儿相关并发症未增加。有趣的是,乌司奴单抗还与较低的早产剖宫产率相关。这表明在妊娠期间继续使用这些药物似乎是安全的。





第1个是 RBX2660 的开放标签研究[11],这是一种通过灌肠给药的基于微生物的实验性生物疗法。治疗成功定义为治疗后8周内无复发,约75%的患者治疗成功。对有反应的患者随访6个月,84%保持无艰难梭菌复发。

第2个是ECOSPOR IV研究[12],这是一项双盲、安慰剂对照试验,观察SER-109(一种由急性孢子制成的口服疗法)治疗艰难梭菌感染的疗效。每日3次,每次4粒胶囊给药,持续3天。患者接受一瓶柠檬酸镁诱导治疗。该治疗显示出相似类型的有效性,79%的患者在24周时无艰难梭菌复发。


一项研究[13]纳入了282例显微镜下结肠炎(microscopic colitis,MC)患者,给予他们胆汁酸螯合剂治疗。在此之前,几乎所有患者均接受过其他药物治疗,包括洛哌丁胺、布地奈德、次水杨酸铋或美沙拉秦。研究中最常用的胆汁酸螯合剂是考来烯胺 (65%)。



1.Feagan BG, Parkes G, Juillerat P, et al. Benefits of high versus low dose upadacitinib as maintenance treatment in ulcerative colitis patients who were responders to 8-week induction with upadacitinib: results from the U-ACHIEVE phase 3 maintenance trial. Program and abstracts of the American College of Gastroenterology 2022 Congress; October 21-26, 2022; Charlotte, North Carolina. Abstract 1.

2.Cangemi D, Montenegro M, Spiegel B, Lacy BE. Virtual reality improves symptoms of functional dyspepsia: results of a randomized, controlled, double-blind pilot study. Program and abstracts of the American College of Gastroenterology 2022 Congress; October 21-26, 2022; Charlotte, North Carolina. Abstract 3.

3.Anderson JC, Hisey W, Mackenzie T, Robinson C, Butterly LF. High quality index colonoscopies decrease the risk for advanced outcomes at 10-year follow-up colonoscopy in low-risk patients with no index adenomas or serrated polyps. Program and abstracts of the American College of Gastroenterology 2022 Congress; October 21-26, 2022; Charlotte, North Carolina. Abstract 7.

4.Syed H, Sommovilla J, McGee S, Heald B, Macaron C, Burke CA, Liska D. An Appraisal of the referral, uptake and outcomes of genetic counseling and testing in patients with young onset colorectal cancer. Program and abstracts of the American College of Gastroenterology 2022 Congress; October 21-26, 2022; Charlotte, North Carolina. Abstract 8.

5.Dellon E, Rothenberg M, Bredenoord A, et al. Dupilumab improves clinical, symptomatic, histologic, and endoscopic aspects of EoE up to 24 weeks: pooled results from parts A and B of phase 3 LIBERTY-EoE-TREET. Program and abstracts of the American College of Gastroenterology 2022 Congress; October 21-26, 2022; Charlotte, North Carolina. Abstract 11.

6.Dellon E, Rothenberg M, Collins MH, et al. Dupilumab efficacy and safety up to 52 weeks in adult and adolescent patients with eosinophilic esophagitis: results from parts B and C of the randomized, placebo-controlled, three-part, phase 3 LIBERTY EoE TREET study (late-breaking abstract). Program and abstracts of the American College of Gastroenterology 2022 Congress; October 21-26, 2022; Charlotte, North Carolina. Abstract 52.

7.Fass R, Vaezi MF, Sharma P, et al. Efficacy and safety of on-demand vonoprazan versus placebo in the treatment of heartburn in symptomatic nonerosive reflux disease (NERD) patients: a phase 2 randomized controlled trial. Program and abstracts of the American College of Gastroenterology 2022 Congress; October 21-26, 2022; Charlotte, North Carolina. Abstract 14.

8.D'Haens G, Panaccione R, Panés J, et al. 52-Week risankizumab subcutaneous maintenance dosing is efficacious and well tolerated in patients with moderate to severe Crohn's disease who had delayed response to 12-weeks IV risankizumab induction. Program and abstracts of the American College of Gastroenterology 2022 Congress; October 21-26, 2022; Charlotte, North Carolina. Abstract 38.

9.Chugh R, Long M, Weaver K, Beaulieu D, Scherl EJ, Mahadevan U. Maternal and neonatal outcomes in vedolizumab and ustekinumab exposed pregnancies: results from the PIANO Registry. Program and abstracts of the American College of Gastroenterology 2022 Congress; October 21-26, 2022; Charlotte, North Carolina. Abstract 43.

10.Hakimian D, Micic D, Alpert L, Semrad C. Common variable immunodeficiency-like enteropathy associated with rituximab B-cell depletion therapy. Program and abstracts of the American College of Gastroenterology 2022 Congress; October 21-26, 2022; Charlotte, North Carolina. Abstract 51.

11.Khanna S, Dubberke ER, Knapple WL, et al. An interim analysis of a phase 3, open-label study indicates efficacy and safety of RBX2660 in patients with recurrent Clostridioides difficile infection. Program and abstracts of the American College of Gastroenterology 2022 Congress; October 21-26, 2022; Charlotte, North Carolina. Abstract 56.

12.Khanna S, Feuerstadt P, Huang E, et al. An open-label study (ECOSPOR IV) to evaluate the safety, efficacy and durability of SER-109, an investigational oral microbiome therapeutic, in adults with recurrent Clostridioides difficile infection (rCDI). Program and abstracts of the American College of Gastroenterology 2022 Congress; October 21-26, 2022; Charlotte, North Carolina. Abstract 63.

13.Tome J, Sehgal K, Kamboj AK, Harmsen W, Khanna S, Pardi DS. Bile acid sequestrants in microscopic colitis: clinical outcomes and utility of bile acid testing. Program and abstracts of the American College of Gastroenterology 2022 Congress; October 21-26, 2022; Charlotte, North Carolina. Abstract 58.


David A. Johnson.13 Highlights From the American College of Gastroenterology's 2022 Meeting - Medscape - Nov 01, 2022.
